среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

education rankings

I didnapos;t know what to think when i was informed that iapos;m not what i seem.

regarding what "i" am, i have no idea.
regarding what "i" seem, i probably am clueless too.

my initial response was to look confused and innocent to refute that distrusting set of eyes.

i felt intruded upon. Stripped and insulted. Like a bleeding peeled armadillo, shivering and upon inspection, was labelled ugly.

who are you to judge "i".
who am "i" to me?

without much thought, it would seem like one of them skeletons had fell out from my closet collection and that sweeping comment was merely to warn and hint that iapos;m no good.

but am "i"?

avant read your mind, education rankings, education rankings by country, education rankings by state.

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